Creative Agency Success Blog

3 Steps To Upshift Your Agency's Operations And Scale

Written by Robert Patin | Jan 9, 2025 8:00:00 AM

Has stress become an inevitable part of owning your creative agency? For many, late nights, overwhelming workloads, and the constant feeling of being just one step behind feels like the agency owner's rite of passage.


Chances are, you didn’t become an entrepreneur to feel this stressed. So if you feel like your agency’s daily operations have become a runaway train you’ve lost control of - this post is for you. 


It’s easy to forget that the state of your business operations is always within your control. That can be a tough pill to swallow when things aren’t running smoothly, but that also means that improvement is always within reach.   


So if this sounds like you:

  • 12-hour workdays have become the norm, and you’ve started to neglect your personal relationships.
  • You can't recall the last time you felt caught up in your overflowing inbox.
  • The excitement of onboarding new clients is overshadowed by the anxiety of how you'll manage to deliver on time.
  • Team meetings often end with you feeling more like a one-person army than the leader of a cohesive, efficient team.
  • Your team is repeating the same tasks or fixing the same issues across projects, feeling like you're stuck in a loop.

Then you need this guide to get out of your operational mess and reclaim control to reignite your agency's potential.


“How Did I Get Here In The First Place?”

Navigating from a freelancer to a bustling creative hub is no small feat. Becoming a manager for the first time, juggling multiple schedules at once, and delegating for the first time often poses a serious learning curve. In this transition, most agency owners get entangled in an operational web of their own making. So how can you avoid making the same mistakes?


Awareness is the first step - so be honest with yourself in recognizing the warning signs that things are getting out of control. 


Look for clues like:
  • Your inbox reads 50+ unread emails at any given time, often taking more than 24 hours to respond to someone.
  • You ignore the thought of taking a day off despite desperately needing a break because you fear what you’ll come back to.
  • Your team relies on you for answers on everything, from project decisions to which brand of coffee to stock in the office.
  • You spend all your time putting out fires and dealing with administrative tasks rather than on sales, strategic planning, or creative work.

How To Break The Bottleneck

If this sounds like you, it means that you are currently your agency’s biggest roadblock. But luckily, there are tangible changes you can make today to break down this bottlenecking in your agency. 


The first (and most important!) step is to adjust your mindset and make peace with the fact you’re going to have to relinquish some control and delegate to your team.


To make delegating a little less intimidating, try starting with:

  • Make a list of all core and non-core activities to distinguish between tasks that require your expertise and those that can be effectively handled by your team to free up your time for higher-level tasks that drive your agency's growth.
  • Assign responsibilities based on skill sets, to keep the team motivated and ensure everyone has a clear role and the tools they need to succeed.
  • Establish clear processes and expectations and implement SOPs for internal tasks so your team can follow to ensure consistency and quality in every project - without your constant oversight.
  • Leverage technology like Zapier to automate and simplify processes like client follow-ups or internal updates to remove the manual heavy lifting from your day-to-day.
  • Replace daily micromanagement with focused bi-weekly strategy sessions to address concerns, tweak strategies, and celebrate achievements.
  • Evaluate where your involvement is truly impactful and focus your time on areas that contribute directly to your agency’s growth, team development, and personal satisfaction.


We’ve Always Done It This Way’ Isn’t Cutting It Anymore

It’s human nature to meet change with resistance. As creative agency owners, the comfort of familiarity can be enticing, but this mindset will consequently stifle growth and innovation. 


If you're clinging to the same way of doing things that were in place from day one, you’re anchoring your agency's potential to the past. 


Signs you’ve outgrown your own processes include:

  • Team members are usually winging it because the SOPs aren’t up-to-date (or worse - nonexistent), causing constant inconsistency and confusion.
  • The lack of processes frequently causes a discrepancy in service delivery.
  • Onboarding new hires becomes a Herculean task thanks to unclear guidelines, causing prolonged ramp-up times, more mistakes, and increased turnover.


How To Implement Lasting Change 

If you’re realizing some of your internal processes are overdue for a change, here’s a list of what you should reevaluate first to make the most impact:

  • Perform an audit and review all existing SOPs to determine their relevance and effectiveness. Identify which procedures need an update, which are obsolete, and which new ones should be introduced.
  • Prioritize collecting feedback from client-facing team members, as their frontline experiences are invaluable for crafting practical and impactful SOPs.
  • Leverage project management tools like Asana to promote transparent communication and make efficient collaboration easier.
  • Review and revise SOPs monthly to incorporate new technologies, strategies, and feedback to keep your operations agile and aligned with current needs.
  • Provide comprehensive training to your team whenever changes to existing processes are made to ensure everyone is up-to-date.
  • Implement a feedback system regarding the functionality and efficiency of your SOPs, such as regular team meetings or anonymous surveys to identify and rectify problems faster.

Focus On The Clients

To make the most of all of the new improvements to your agency you’ve made, it’s time to loop in the most important person in this entire process - the clients. 


Many agency owners find themselves inadvertently repeating the same mistakes, yet wondering why the business isn’t growing. This could look like:

  • Getting déjà vu from client feedback, pointing out the same issues project after project.
  • Client dissatisfaction appearing out of the blue, leaving you questioning where things went wrong.
  • Your team is constantly rushing to the next project, skipping valuable feedback opportunities so no real learning or improvement ever occurs.

Stagnation, declining client satisfaction, and missed opportunities for innovation aren't just potential outcomes; they're inevitable without intervention.


Embracing the RESET Method:

The RESET Method is your client communication framework to ensure you, your team and your client always remain on the same page. 


With every client moving forward:

  • Set the standard that a structured feedback loop and post-project reviews are standard practice. Budgeting this time to collect insights allows you to understand the hits and misses directly from your clients and team.
  • Do not begin a new project until you have a clear definition of success and set a tangible target to prevent miscommunication and hold the entire team accountable.
  • Coach your clients on how to provide the feedback you need to move projects along quickly and minimize revision rounds.
  • Evaluate the feedback you gathered to refine your processes monthly, such as tweaking your communication strategy or overhauling your project management tools.
  • Track your progress monthly to quantify the impact of your efforts. A higher profit margin and happier clients will confirm you're on the right path.


Ready To Enjoy Agency Ownership Again?

By now, you should realize that finding operational excellence within your creative agency isn't just about tweaking your processes; it's about fostering a mindset of growth and resilience within your agency.

As you start applying these transformative strategies, remember, every small change contributes to a larger impact, propelling your agency toward a future where stress and overwhelm are replaced with confidence and creative freedom. The time to act is now—let's reshape the future of your agency together.

Want to learn more? Watch our video below about This Sales Funnel Made Our Agencies $79 Million. Check out our Youtube Channel for more industry insights.