The Top 2 Communication Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Client Relationships

The Top 2 Communication Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Client Relationships

Have you ever encountered a client who caused more stress than an ex?

No matter what you did, no change was ever good enough. Every time you see their name in your inbox, your stomach drops. 


Too many agency owners have faced this common scenario. Suddenly, a project you were excited to deliver receives lukewarm or unexpected feedback from a client, leading to frustration on both ends. 


This is often the point where creative agency owners start to doubt their creative abilities, or if they have what it takes to run a business after all. But instead of jumping to change your entire creative process, take the opportunity to reevaluate your client communication processes to determine where wires are being crossed. 


Fumbling The Handoff

The best way to lose trust with a client is to neglect them once you get a signed contract. Your sales process should set the tone of what to expect when working with you, so if they come to expect a committed point of contact, regular check-ins, and prompt service - that needs to ring true in your post-sale processes as well.  


Here’s the hard reality: even if your team is producing the best work in the industry, poor client communication can still derail your client relationships.


Many agency owners don't realize this issue until it's too late. After the excitement of winning a new project dies down, communication often shifts from proactive to reactive. You might find your workdays overrun by firefighting client issues rather than building positive, proactive interactions. This shift not only puts additional stress on your team but also impacts the overall client experience.


Watch Out For Signs Your Communication Is Slipping:
Watch Out For Signs Your Communication Is Slipping

  • You’ve noticed an increase in “misunderstandings” that cause internal chaos and client dissatisfaction.
  • Feedback loop times are not improving, despite your team gaining more experience.
  • Clients become increasingly less enthusiastic about your work or involved in the creative process, and you’re not sure why.
  • Projects keep going off track with last-minute changes causing frustration on both sides.
  • Client churn is increasing, making it increasingly difficult to set financial goals.

The repercussions of neglecting client communication post-sale are significant. Relationships begin to feel transactional, clients become less engaged with the process, and the likelihood of repeat business or referrals dwindles. This not only affects your bottom line but also demoralizes your team, who no longer see the fruits of their labor appreciated as they should be.


Need to improve your agency’s client communication? 

Turning things around is easier than you think when you follow this simple 3-step strategy. 

Step 1: Reframe Every Client Touchpoint

Never forget that every email, meeting, or presentation is a new opportunity to solidify trust and demonstrate value with your clients. 


The main touchpoints to focus on are:

  • Email Communications: Are they clear, timely, and informative? Do they proactively anticipate and address potential client questions or concerns?
  • Meetings: Do they have a clear agenda and purpose, set deadlines, and follow up effectively?
  • Presentations: Are they aligned with the client’s expectations? Do they clearly communicate how your solutions support their needs and goals?


5 Steps To Optimize Your Client Touchpoints:

  1. Have A Clear Onboarding Plan: Kick things off with transparency by introducing your team, outlining project phases, and setting mutual expectations to set the stage for your agency's organized approach.
  2. Establish a Communication Cadence: Keep clients in the loop without overwhelming them. Whether it's weekly updates, bi-monthly check-ins, or reports following significant milestones, consistency is key.
  3. Align With The Client: Adapt to their preferences, whether they favor detailed email briefs or quick catch-up calls to foster a positive relationship.
  4. Focus On The Big Picture: Remain aware of your client's broader business challenges and goals so you know when things change.
  5. Encourage Feedback: Actively seek and apply feedback on your communication style to keep your agency on top of its game.

By focusing on these touchpoints and implementing these actionable steps, you ensure that every interaction with your client reinforces their decision to work with your agency, building a foundation of trust and demonstrating continuous value. 


Step 2: Mastering the Art of Feedback

If you want to start collecting quality, actionable, client feedback - ditching the "what do you think?" approach is pivotal. 

The struggle to get actionable feedback often stems from a mismatch in understanding. Clients may not always grasp the technical or creative nuances of your work, which can lead their feedback to be more about personal preference than project goals.


To ensure you get the feedback you want from your clients you need to:

  • Align Expectations: Initiate every project by reviewing the original goals and any constraints to get everyone on the same page.
  • Link Presentations to Objectives: Make sure you’re not just showcasing your creative prowess. Relate your work to the project's original goals and focus discussions around the goal rather than subjective critiques.
  • Teaching the Art of Feedback: Move beyond open-ended questions by educating your clients on assessing your work based on how well it aligns with project goals, enhances user experience, or strengthens brand identity. Utilize tools like structured forms or specific questions tailored to the project, like "How does this design advance our project goals?" or "In what ways does this improve the user experience?"
  • Promoting Objective Analysis: Encourage clients to view your work through the lens of their target avatar to shift the conversation from subjective likes and dislikes to strategic evaluation.


Who doesn’t want happier clients?

Elevating your client communication doesn't just improve project outcomes—it transforms your agency's entire dynamic. 


There’s no better time than today to refine your approach to client communication. Making the investment in your agency's longevity and client satisfaction now will result in a business that scales higher, faster.


Want to learn more? Watch our video below about The 4 Best Agency Outreach Systems in 2024.

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